it's weird
i saw your other work like breadman, it SUCKED (no offence)
somehow madness got into your blood and made you better, like you bonded with the.....bouncy guy thingies
it's weird
i saw your other work like breadman, it SUCKED (no offence)
somehow madness got into your blood and made you better, like you bonded with the.....bouncy guy thingies
fuck that was funny lmao
shit im sitting here trying to think of what to write but it was too damn good for words lol
why did this get underdog? i mean sure it's not good enough to get a daily 20, but it's not bad enough to get that, could've been longer though
that's damn cool for your first submission, although it didn't have that plot following feel to it, it was very well made, the drawings were superb, the car i loved the most, even though i hate them, but you need to work on your backgrounds more, it looked kinda crap with just him standing in the dark, +that blade was so unergonimic, the only real way for its force to be truly deadly is if you spun around, hence leaving your body completley exposed
k wtf
that made no damn sense, no particular plot or anything, just random crap, you trying to be funny or something? put away your lego and drop your balls, then i'll think twice about my reviews
AH fuck i loved it lol
that was awesome, i liked the guy with no body, he was pretty damn funny lol, he didn't even give a fuck about the fuel, just wanted a cig, my kinda guy
Indeed. Thanks for watching!
pretty damn cool
i liked it quite a lot, nice use of the gong sound effect
Fucking awesome
could replace salad fingers, but not yet, it's not fucked up enough to do that, but pretty damn weird though
Just what I wanted to hear! I don't want this to ever be as whacked as Salad-fingers... but simply weird, you know?
DO NOT EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN! Why did you do this to me you bastard?
Huh? >:(
Yo fucktard lotus already told me you stole his aaccount so dont even bother... ass
Joined on 6/10/03