omfg so cool
so making it to the front page
"so, java....that new stove is pretty hot"
lmao at it!
good job, reminded me of the CS map de_rats, lol *obsessed*
omfg so cool
so making it to the front page
"so, java....that new stove is pretty hot"
lmao at it!
good job, reminded me of the CS map de_rats, lol *obsessed*
could be a good ad to help promote the push play program:D with a little more work that is
haha so true
coke is crap, don't know why i drink the shit....oh yer that's right im addicted, stupid caffeine
stop stop stop stop!
i HATE trailers, either make a series split into parts, or just a really cool movie
yeah i probably hsould've jsut waited until i fnished the toon and posted that but anyway i guarntee the toon will be Long and MUCH BETTER and will actually have a point
that fucking rocked!!
loved it lol, i piss myself with laughter whenever i hear those DOC voices. so damn funny 5/5!!
very well made at the start, with the comb and how it cuts to the credits for a second afterwards, but it got sorta unfunny from there:( good voices though!
hah hee hah hee hah
it's movies like these that make me wish i was still a stoner, good work, well used tweening, and nice graphics, funky music too :P
hope you keep up the good work!
well, pretty nicely done good drawings and shit, but too short, didn't make me want more or anything
best try incorporating some of your action sequences and stuff, make it more appealing
It's short, I know. I don't even want to work on it anymore. You're stuck with a stupid useless teaser, sorry. I won't improve it, I don't want it to be appealing.
very good!
great sense of humour you got there, liked the voices to, well done!
Joined on 6/10/03